Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Jason in my Life

Sitting around and researching Disneyworld, I decide to check out some other sites as well.  Jason Calacanis's site/blog (anti-blog I guess since he retired from blogging) always gives a good insight.  He is a very astute businessman with interesting thoughts on web and application development.  I learned about him from Leo Laporte's TWIT, a tech news podcast of which he frequents.   After reading an article on the Future of Startups, I check out some entertainment news.  Being a movie buff, I like to hear about any new movies coming out that I'll have to wait until they come to DVD to watch.  Looks like a Salvador Dali biopic is being made starring Al Pacino and Antonio Banderas.  Sounds interesting.  I haven't been able to see many movies lately.  Watched half of Kung Fu Panda last night (the girls didn't seem to care for it).  It wasn't bad at all.  I actually look forward to watching the rest of it.  The only time I ever get to watch movies is in bed after everyone is sleeping.  At which point I turn the volume down low and turn on the subtitles.  
Tonight, I'm looking forward to my mom's homemade pizza (for Tera's birthday).  After we get the girls down, I'll start some homework until True Blood comes on.  For those who have HBO and haven't watched this yet, why not?  Vampires in a small town trying to mainstream with normal people.  Fun.  Seriously, though, it is an interesting show that kind of comments on gay rights by talking about vampire rights (being allowed to own property, marry, etc.).  Check it out.

Hail to the King, baby!

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