Sunday, November 9, 2008


Nov. 9, 2008
The first post.  Well, I'm pretty much starting this to document my work through grad school, my application developments, and family updates.  In other words, this is for me more than you.  Now, don't you feel special?  I'm happy for anyone to read this.  I'll be providing links to such things as my flickr account.  Here are the ways to get ahold of me:

So, today is a lazy Sunday.  It's the day before Tera's birthday.  She's at the store with our oldest while I'm watching Cinderella III with our youngest.  Yesterday, the wife and I went to Six Flags for her bday present.  We were only there for about 4 hours, and it wore us out.  It was so cold that there were very few people there.  For the most part, we walked onto every ride we went on.  No lines = happy Jason.  The new rollercoaster, Evel Knievel, was pretty sweet.  Big fast wooden rollercoaster.  Had lots of fun, but my back is killing me from all of the shaking.  So today we are taking it easy before going to my parents house for dinner.  Tomorrow, Lolo will be here via Amtrak.  I'm trying to bribe her hubby to coming as well, but he doesn't seem to be taking the bait.  Well, enough for now.  Lunch beckons.  

Shop Smart, Shop S Mart

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