Sunday, November 16, 2008

One for Vomitus

Been a long Sunday.  I was awoken by my wife at 3 am telling me that my youngest was vomiting.  That was the first of five stomach evacuations she decided to partake in.  I was sent to Wallyworld at approximately 430am to retrieve cola syrup, Gatorade and a few other items.  No go on cola syrup.  In fact, the guy who was in charge of restocking the pharmacy and health departments never heard of it.  He did offer me some cough syrup.  Thanks.  
Returned home around 5am with drugs, milk, and paint.  Administer said anti-nausea, then let the youngest and the wife get some rest.  Well, I'm up, so begins the third coat of paint on the office.  When it's all said and done, I finished the painting by around 8am.  One more round of vomiting by the youngest and so completes a fine Sunday.  The office is complete...well, complete minus a flat screen, Xbox360, and hardwood flooring.  So, yeah, just about complete.  
Right now, my app development are on hold.  Just too much going on with holidays and what-not.  I have been playing a little more with ubuntu, which is fun.  Very clean, very slick.  Lately I've been looking for command line stuff to do.  By all means, if anyone knows a good site to check out let me know.  In the meantime, I'm going to finish my movie. 

Look closer.

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