Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Festivus!

More gross pictures for you on this beautiful Christmas day!  The finger is starting to feel better, and I'm trying to lower my intake of Vicodin while coping with the pain.  Anywho, Wishing a Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Open Seasame!

Here's the before pics when I was waiting in the ER.  Ewww.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Home for the Holidays

Well, it would appear that I'm going to have some time off for the holidays.  Yesterday (Sunday the 21ast of December) I was working on our garage door opener.  While I was up on the ladder, trying to get the gear to turn and pull the door up, it unfroze long enough to grab my glove and pull it into the gear.  Unfortunately, my finger was still in the glove and was pulled into the gear as well.  Picture the gear and chain like a bike chain.  The difference is the immense amount of tension on the garage door chain versus the bike chain.  The result was a crushed middle finger (at least 5 open fracture points), fingernail broken off, and some nasty lacerations.  Went to the ER where they did a digital block (completely numbed the finger), trimmed of my fingernail, pieced the flesh back together and sewed it back (10 stitches in total).  They sent me home after giving me a gram of Ancef to ward off infection.  The worry is that I have multiple open fractures in my finger and susceptible to getting a bone infection.  Not to mention, I am on Vicodin.  Tomorrow, I see my normal physician to see when I can go back to work.  From what the ER staff told me, it would probably be 2 to 3 weeks.  My finger is vvvvvvvverry tender right now.  As it is, I am Vicodin all day long, so driving (thereby working) is a no.  I'll keep you all posted.  Here's a couple of pictures of what my finger looks like now, 1 day after it happened.  I'll try to get a picture of what it looked like right after the accident on here so you can see what the ER staff at Memorial had to work with.  Later all!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey day everyone!  Getting ready to head over to the mother-in-law's house for lunch, followed by my parents for dinner.  After that, alcohol and Call of Duty 5 will be in full force.  Still getting over a cold and whatnot, but I've felt worse before.  I'm actually excited to see a lot of my family.  Haven't seen them in a while.  Anyways, have a good Thanksgiving everyone!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

One for Vomitus

Been a long Sunday.  I was awoken by my wife at 3 am telling me that my youngest was vomiting.  That was the first of five stomach evacuations she decided to partake in.  I was sent to Wallyworld at approximately 430am to retrieve cola syrup, Gatorade and a few other items.  No go on cola syrup.  In fact, the guy who was in charge of restocking the pharmacy and health departments never heard of it.  He did offer me some cough syrup.  Thanks.  
Returned home around 5am with drugs, milk, and paint.  Administer said anti-nausea, then let the youngest and the wife get some rest.  Well, I'm up, so begins the third coat of paint on the office.  When it's all said and done, I finished the painting by around 8am.  One more round of vomiting by the youngest and so completes a fine Sunday.  The office is complete...well, complete minus a flat screen, Xbox360, and hardwood flooring.  So, yeah, just about complete.  
Right now, my app development are on hold.  Just too much going on with holidays and what-not.  I have been playing a little more with ubuntu, which is fun.  Very clean, very slick.  Lately I've been looking for command line stuff to do.  By all means, if anyone knows a good site to check out let me know.  In the meantime, I'm going to finish my movie. 

Look closer.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Mental Lists

Just finished the latest episode of the Mentalist (DVR'd from tonight) and my Visual BASIC.  Now I'm finishing "We Own the Night."  It seems like a decent movie, but I've only been half-assed watching it over the past four nights.  The only time I get to watch the movies I want to watch is late at night.  My girls go to sleep around 8ish, and most of the time the wife is right behind them.  Since everyone in the house are light-sleepers (with the exception of me), I usually end up watching my movies, tv shows and play the occasional videogame with no sound and subtitles.  Drives my wife nuts.  After a few years, you get used to it.  
Despite not feeling well, I cooked steak and mashed potatoes for my wife's birthday dinner tonight.  Yesterday was her birthday, but we were busy.  So tonight was the night.  I invited the mother and sister-in-law over for the dinner.  Looking forward to sleeping in (yeah, right) and taking it easy tomorrow.  I'm anxious to hear reviews of Call of Duty World at War.  
Tomorrow night I have a VB test and then it's back home.  I need to get back to working on my catalog app.  Right now, all that's done is the front end form.  I still have to read up on linking mySQL to VB using ODBC.  Just been too busy.  Also, I have a calendar app that I'd like to get started, but that will have to wait until I'm finished with the first one.  Alright, I'm done.  Wish me luck on the test.  

"Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Jason in my Life

Sitting around and researching Disneyworld, I decide to check out some other sites as well.  Jason Calacanis's site/blog (anti-blog I guess since he retired from blogging) always gives a good insight.  He is a very astute businessman with interesting thoughts on web and application development.  I learned about him from Leo Laporte's TWIT, a tech news podcast of which he frequents.   After reading an article on the Future of Startups, I check out some entertainment news.  Being a movie buff, I like to hear about any new movies coming out that I'll have to wait until they come to DVD to watch.  Looks like a Salvador Dali biopic is being made starring Al Pacino and Antonio Banderas.  Sounds interesting.  I haven't been able to see many movies lately.  Watched half of Kung Fu Panda last night (the girls didn't seem to care for it).  It wasn't bad at all.  I actually look forward to watching the rest of it.  The only time I ever get to watch movies is in bed after everyone is sleeping.  At which point I turn the volume down low and turn on the subtitles.  
Tonight, I'm looking forward to my mom's homemade pizza (for Tera's birthday).  After we get the girls down, I'll start some homework until True Blood comes on.  For those who have HBO and haven't watched this yet, why not?  Vampires in a small town trying to mainstream with normal people.  Fun.  Seriously, though, it is an interesting show that kind of comments on gay rights by talking about vampire rights (being allowed to own property, marry, etc.).  Check it out.

Hail to the King, baby!


Nov. 9, 2008
The first post.  Well, I'm pretty much starting this to document my work through grad school, my application developments, and family updates.  In other words, this is for me more than you.  Now, don't you feel special?  I'm happy for anyone to read this.  I'll be providing links to such things as my flickr account.  Here are the ways to get ahold of me:

So, today is a lazy Sunday.  It's the day before Tera's birthday.  She's at the store with our oldest while I'm watching Cinderella III with our youngest.  Yesterday, the wife and I went to Six Flags for her bday present.  We were only there for about 4 hours, and it wore us out.  It was so cold that there were very few people there.  For the most part, we walked onto every ride we went on.  No lines = happy Jason.  The new rollercoaster, Evel Knievel, was pretty sweet.  Big fast wooden rollercoaster.  Had lots of fun, but my back is killing me from all of the shaking.  So today we are taking it easy before going to my parents house for dinner.  Tomorrow, Lolo will be here via Amtrak.  I'm trying to bribe her hubby to coming as well, but he doesn't seem to be taking the bait.  Well, enough for now.  Lunch beckons.  

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